Sunday, October 17, 2010

Good Things Come

Most of my crafting is on hold right now as I rearrange my space. I asked my husband for a very big birthday gift this year - dedicate an entire room to my crafting. He is so wonderful, and is working very hard to get this completed.

He inherited a lot of furniture when he bought the house from his parents, and I added even more when I moved in. We could have opened a B&B with so many extra beds... So, we are trying to find room to store the furniture until we can get rid of it. There's just the two of us, anyway.

Ah! I'm so excited to have my own crafting space! I've been using my living room floor and I'm really sick of seeing the clutter (I suspect that my wonderful, patient husband is, too). With a clean living room, I'll also be more motivated to 'Push Play' with Tony Horton. I do love me some banana rolls! I have high hopes that this will be a veritable cascade of Awesome as the tidiness begets more tidiness and motivation for other Good Things (cooking, exercise...).

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